Sunday, 13 April 2014

Many Leaves, One Tree

"Many leaves, one tree"
I happened to hear this quote in the movie Epic. This was even mentioned in Mahabharat. We all admire a tree for its fullness. A medow full of grass is of no use unless it's intertwined.

The same way, a single person is nothing without others. By blood or not we all are connected in some way or the other.

Every person's identity depends on what others make out of them.
Let's just say a leader is nothing without his followers.
A king cannot rule an abandoned kingdom.
An employer cannot make progress without his employees.
One can't become a master without a servant.
Being little filmy, there's no hero without a villan. ;)

Like many people say, I always felt each and every person we meet has something to do with our lives. Once I happened to read this amazing book "MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS" by Dr. Brian Weiss. The book describes the beautiful link between our past life happenings and our present. Every person we meet today has some link with our past or future. If not, out of the millions and billions of people around the world, why do we meet only few of them??

Accidental or incidental, for good or bad, for gain or loss, to give or take, to love or hate, hurt or care, to laugh or cry, we do need another person to share.

Man might think he invented the internet and created a unseen web around the world but some unknown force already connected us in the web, who some call as god. Man only connected the machines to complete the link.

Sometimes we might want to shut everyone out of our lives for our own reasons. But imagine how it'd be to have no one to fight for or shout on or laugh with or at least share a snack???

Right... Without tasting sour, you wouldn't know sweetness exists. The same way if there's no one to hurt you, how'd you know that feeling of being cared for??

Sometimes I feel like thanking those who hurt me coz without them I wouldn't know how to find a heel for it.

Being a leaf in this huge tree of a world, when some leaves touch you the effect is different. Some may weigh up on you to make you fall and some may lift you to make you fly. Ultimately it's our own choice.